Notepad.exe command line arguments

I was looking for Notepad�s arguments for a sample I�m thinking of writing; I�ve searched the net and found some of these, and had to investigate a bit to find out about the others. I�m a bit surprised it only supports so few flags, I was expecting at least a �go to line� capability. Anyway, here they are:

/A      Ansi: notepad /a file.txt Opens the specified file as Ansi (overrides encoding auto-detection)

/W      Wide: notepad /w file.txt Opens the specified file as Unicode (overrides encoding auto-detection)

/P      Print: notepad /p file.txt Opens the file, prints its content to the default printer and exit

/PT     PrintTo: notepad /pt �file.txt� �<printername>� prints the file to the specified printer. Both the filename and the printer name have to be in quotes, regardless of the names containing spaces or not. E.g.: notepad /pt �file.txt� �Send To OneNote 2013� or notepad /pt �file.txt� �\\Server\SharedPrinter

/.SETUP SetupMode: E.g. notepad /.setup file.txt.  I�m unclear what this is used for. It�s a weird mode, it does not repaint the window if it was started restored. You�d have to press Alt-Space and Maximize it to view the file content. The window has 2 sets of scrollbars in that case (one set is apparently unused), and it closes if Escape or Ctrl+D are pressed. Perhaps some setup programs invoke notepad with these arguments to display the EULA? Who knows.


That being said, for a better small & fast replacement of notepad, I suggest using SaneStudio�s NitroLite, downloadable from No installation needed, at only ~100kb, it packs loads of features, syntax coloring, binary editor, etc.

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